Monday, 28 March 2011


Signage ideas pertaining to the look and feel of the logos i made. ideally i was imagining that the information would be on a wall in the environment:


Hey Ladies!
I was looking at a Washington Travel pictures of my friends Facebook albumand i saw this picture, I really liked the sign - the colour, and the little city logo
Just a little inspiration :)

- Razia

Revamping the signs in the area could be a good possibility for our installation(s).
I saw these signs today, they were turquoise (nice colour :)) but they were poorly written
and really not readable. Nevertheless, they were colourful. We should keep the colourful part, and
I think its a great idea to redesign these signs around Strathcona.


  1. awww they are so cute!!!
    thank youu <33

    - annie

  2. I knoww!!! haha :)
    we should talk about it on Tuesday

  3. yeah, I think this is a really good sign for us to redesign it.

  4. they are very playful and hand drawn, so i think for our design we can incorporate this kind of style
